I am Memory Mukaro, a lady in a family of four. (1 boy 3 girls). I cruised through primary and secondary school with minimum problems or challenges. After A-levels, I eyed university for a white-collar job or apprenticeship with the airlines. My elder brother Nyasha brought an advert for millers recruitment by National Foods Limited in the Sunday Mail.
I was not sure of going all muscle and industrial, but flour milling on a large scale caught my curiosity and I have never looked back since. I started in 2014 September.
Feeding the nation grabbed every fiber of my development. I would picture every Wholesale, supermarket, bakers, companies, full of flour. Every step that I took up and down the plant became a move to ensure there would be enough flour for the community. I sighed relief as targets were met, on the day and night shifts. I would go home whispering “what a lot of flour!”.

Memory Mukaro | Business Unit Manager
My course progression was as follows: I undertook a 4-year intensive technical program studying with the Sothern African Grain Milling Academy, after which I was trade tested.
Being the top student in my group and the only female was a moment of pride for me. From trainee miller, I became a full-time miller, and after 2 years I got a promotion to become the HEAD MILLER, in charge of the full-time millers as well as other departments in the mill.
After a year as head miller, I got another promotion to become the Business Unit Manager, in charge of the flour mill operational processes, from wheat receiving, milling, packing, warehousing, and dispatch.
My dream of feeding and nourishing the Nation was fully coming to effect on a large scale, I was now able to monitor all the processes, to ensure that we received the correct quality of wheat, we processed the wheat into the specified customer products, we correctly stored the finished goods (flour) and we delivered to the customer on time, as well as having zero complaints.

Flour to me means stability. It enables us to reliably feed our community as well as develop me on a personal level. Being one of the staple foods, flour is used in all meals in one way or the other.
Flour is always indispensable in the wide range of snacks enjoyed by millions of all ages, thereby laying the basis of our Business as National Foods Limited. From a mere academic A-level student, I developed skills in practical and accurate measurements, operating machines, quality control and assurance, estimations, leadership, teamwork, etc. So actually, flour develops the Nation and the Individual.
Being the only miller in the family, I enjoy telling them about milling. My parents (both primary school teachers) never get over the pride of their young girl who has broken new ground in a male-dominated field.-When I told them I was the only girl out of six apprentices, they told me to tighten my belt, which I did, as I was mostly the top student on examination results.
The family plays along very supportively. My journey with flour has also been linked with immense help and mentorship from my line managers. Mr. Tawanda Musonzah, who is the Operations manager that I report directly to, has been a huge pillar in my growth since my trainee miller days, and now as Business unit manager, patiently steering me and leading me in the right direction.
Mr. N Moyo, Miss M Ndahwi, to mention but a few have been immensely supportive and helpful during this time. I intend to rise with flour milling to the highest heights.
Flour milling has proven to me that the sky is the limit!