Modesty is a virtue that we often experience in the milling industry.
While many other corporations live up to the slogan “do good and talk about it,” we are often amazed by the social initiatives of our milling customers, which comes natural to them.

This was something our Southern African team Jannes Peemoeller, Liezel Huysamen & Faisal Jashimuddin recently experienced in Zambia on a mill visit.
Usually meetings would be held at the mill’s central office in Lusaka, as the mill itself is located in a rural part of Zambia about a 3 hour drive away from Lusaka.

Amazed, Jannes told us, “it turned out that the mill is not only a mill, but also built a school for 360 children for their rural community, medical facilities, a police station, a soccer club, a bicycle club and much more.
It basically built a town to provide basic services, and moreover, it also finances it. So the school, the medical services etc. are free for the community”.

We thought this story was too wonderful to not share, and hope you agree. Thank you Nyathi Milling for allowing us to experience and share this wonderful story.