Flour to me proves, that the sky is the limit

Ms. Annapoorneshwari |Milling Technologist |Stern Ingredients India | World Flour Day 2022

Flour has a great imp Flour to me is a sky limit, as it creates limitless opportunities for rising generations!! This magical ingredient has gained my professional interest and gave me a pathway to understanding how important the value creation chain is. Understanding flour as a milling technologist gave me an opportunity to work with Stern […]

Flour to me means equality

Öz coskunlar Gida (Turkey, Batman) Suzan hanim World Flour Day 2022

Flour has a great importance in my life. It symbolizes equality; that we are all  equal. Wheat grown in  our land gathers us under one roof without distinction such as color, language and race Suzan Hanim | Öz coskunlar Gida | Turkey, Batman

To us, flour is our handcraft art

Halim Kirtiz Un (Turkey, Antalya ) Egemen Öztürk, Oktay Usta ve Mithat Usta World Flour Day 2022

Flour with standard quality for the desired application is our handcraft art to reach the human being. Egemen Öztürk | Oktay Usta | Mithat Usta | Halim Kirtiz Un | Turkey, Antalya

To me, flour represents an experience

Murat Dabaniyast | Masterbaker| Ibrahim Yalçin Un | Turkey, Denizli World Flour Day 2022

Flour represents the experience, that I have. It is the white gold, that gives me the spirit to share my knowledge to shape the new generation bakery masters. Murat Dabaniyast | Masterbaker| Ibrahim Yalçin Un | Turkey, Denizli

To us, flour is passion

Selçuklu Un ve Yem Turkey , Antalya World Flour Day 2022

Flour is a passion of increasing quality and maintaining stability. The happiness of those who use flour is reflected in the producers. Selçuklu Un ve Yem | Turkey , Antalya

Flour is history, tradition, passion, knowledge…

Connecting with the history of flour gives us the guideline to reflect on the leading role played by each person who is part of this important industry, as well as learn from the legacy that they leave from one generation to another. Ignacio Nava For the new generations, it is a great opportunity to thank […]